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Standardised Assessment of Cognitive Functioning
Standardised Assessment of Learning Skills and Identification of Learning Difficulties & Disorders (e.g. Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyscalculia)
Screening for Emotional and Behavioural Issues (e.g. Low Self Esteem, Anxiety, Aggressiveness) or other Mental Health Issues (e.g. ADHD, ASD)
Development of Intervention Programmes
Development of Workshops for Parents and Teachers on Topics Related to Social, Emotional and Educational Wellbeing 


Does your child find it difficult to cope with academic tasks? Struggling with school work can be disheartening for children and can have a negative impact on their social and emotional functioning. They may experience feelings of anxiety, suffer from low self-esteem, be prone to outbursts of anger, lose interest in school or show signs of social withdrawal. Early intervention is, therefore, of critical importance. It is often hard to know where to begin though. Notable difficulties at school can be the result of weaknesses in one or more areas of cognitive development (e.g. verbal reasoning, working memory, visuo-spatial processing) emotional issues or even more complex conditions like autism. Decisions on how to help your child should be based on a thorough understanding of all the factors that might be impinging upon his/her functioning. The first step in helping him/her is to refer him/her for a psychoeducational evaluation. A comprehensive evaluation will lead to clear understanding of his/her needs and will pinpoint the areas of desired change.


I offer  assessment services to English speaking school-aged children residing in Geneva and its neighbouring regions in order to help them gain insight as to whether they have a learning difficulty (e.g. dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia) or other weaknesses in areas of cognitive or emotional development that could be affecting their school work.  On the basis of  the results, I then design remediation programmes, fine-tuned to each child’s home environment and school situation.

Testing Services


Tests administered include the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale, the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test as well as measures of attention, auditory processing, phonological awareness, working memory and reasoning skills. Screening measures of behavioural and emotional functioning are also administered when the child's history indicates the presence of behavioural/emotional problems (e.g. anxiety, low self-esteem) or other mental health issues (e.g. attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autistic spectrum disorder) that could be affecting negatively the quality of his/her school life.


Intervention Services


Following the evaluation, I meet with the child and his/her parents and submit a written report with recommendations regarding the intervention steps that need to be followed. If deemed appropriate, I make referrals to other professionals or community services and, if desired by the parents, I arrange to visit the child’s school, meet with his/her teachers and discuss  with them accommodations that could be provided in the classroom.

Psychoeducational Assessment


Intervention Services

Psychoeducational Assessment


Inrervention Services  

Our services

                                      Workshops and Presentations

I organise workshops and presentations for parents, teachers and health care professionals on a variety of child-related topics such as: building  emotional literacy, promoting cognitive development,  helping children deal with complex life issues (e.g. parental separation, bereavement, bullying) and learning or behavioural problems  (e.g. dyslexia, adhd).  Please contact me for more information or to schedule a speaker

workshops and presentations
About Me
Ι am an educational psychologist, chartered by the Health and Care Professions Council in the United Kingdom (HCPC) and registered with the British Psychological Society (BPS) as well as the Association of Greek Psychologists (ΣΕΨ). I am specialised in the diagnosis and remediation of learning and behavioural problems and have extensive experience conducting psychoeducational evaluations, designing individualised remediation programmes and delivering therapeutic interventions. I have also been engaged in doing research on the relationship between graphomotor and cognitive development (work presented at the 1st Panhellenic Conference on Developmental Psychology, University of Athens) and have been delivering lectures and presentations on various child-related topics such as learning differences, adhd, autistic spectrum disorders and emotional wellbeing. I hold a Bachelor’s in Psychology and a Master’s in Applied Educational Psychology from Columbia University, New York. Throughout my career, I have been working in the private as well as in the public sector across different countries, including the United Kingdom, Greece and Switzerland. Among other educational institutions, I  have collaborated with the Educational Psychology Service of Reading Borough Council (U.K.), the Moraitis School (Greece) as well as the International School of Geneva, Campus des Nations (Switzerland) and currently I am an assessor at ASK C.A.R.E. Center (Switzerland) Thanks to my international professional experience, I have  gained  an understanding of the challenges faced by students who come from different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. I  love working with children and I am a mother of two.


Contact Me

For more information or to make a referral, you can call me at 079 954 9023 or send me an email. Please describe the difficulties that your child has been experiencing and let me know his/her date of birth as well as the languages he/she speaks. I will then contact you to provide you with more detailed information regarding the diagnostic procedure and to answer any other questions you may have.


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Ioli N. Soroula

Psychoeducational Services

ASK C.A.R.E. Center, Route des Morillons 1, CH-1218, Geneva

Tel: 079 954 9023• Email:

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